GDCh Lecture by Prof. Dr. Tunga Salthammer, Fraunhofer WKI

Das Institut für Biochemie

lädt gemeinsam mit dem Ortsverband der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker zu einem

   K o l l o q u i u m der GDCh

  Großer Hörsaal des Instituts für Biochemie

Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 4,

   Montag, 27. Mai 2024, 16 Uhr c.t.

  Prof. Dr. Tunga Salthammer, Fraunhofer WKI, Department of Material Analysis and Indoor Chemistry, Braunschweig , spricht zum Thema:

„Impact of climate change on indoor air quality” 



 Nowadays, serious discussions do no longer deal with the question of whether climate change will happen, we are already in the midst of it. Various organizations have developed action plans to protect humans from extreme weather. but most of the available recommendations only relate to the temperature. However, human heat balance and heat stress also depend on the air humidity. There are many other events associated with climate change that affect the indoor environment. These include extreme cold, the risk of mold formation through condensing water, the formation of photo smog, in particular tropospheric ozone and OH radicals through UV radiation as well as other air pollutants such as NOx, particles and organic compounds. In order to be able to address short and long-term climate events with regard to the living environment, reliable estimates can be made with the help of suitable models, which provide valuable assistance for a better assessment of upcoming challenges and for the development of preventive measures. 


Einladende  Prof. Dr. Carola Schulzke und Prof. Dr. Uwe Schröder 

 Dr. Christian Fischer  Vorsitzender des Ortsverbandes der GDCh 

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